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عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, 2006

Sharp Develops Triple-View LCD

Reuters - eWEEK TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan's Sharp Corp. said on Wednesday it has developed the world's first liquid crystal display (LCD) panel that allows the viewing of three different images on one screen at the same time. The new LCD panel would, for example, allow the driver of a car to view a navigation system, the passenger to look at shopping and restaurant information and a person in the back seat to watch a movie, Sharp said in a press release. Last year Sharp unveiled a panel that allowed the viewing of two different images. That panel is already being used in car navigation systems, Sharp said. The world's third-largest LCD TV maker said its "triple directional viewing LCD" splits the screen light into three different directions, generating a different image depending on whether the screen is being viewed from the left, center or right. http://news.yahoo.com/s/zd/189690

SanDisk offers 12GB, 16GB CompactFlash cards

SanDisk offers 12GB, 16GB CompactFlash cards SanDisk on Tuesday introduced 12GB and 16GB Extreme III CompactFlash memory cards, designed for professional photographers who shoot RAW or high-resolution JPEG files. SanDisk expects to ship the cards by the end of the year for $779.99 and $1,049.99 respectively. SanDisk said the cards feature minimum read and write speeds of 20 MB/s. The cards use SanDisk’s “Enhanced Super-Parallel (ESP) Processing” technology to achieve that speed. The cards feature an operating temperature range of minus 13F to 185F. SanDisk also unveiled its new Extreme USB 2.0 Reader, which will be released in November for $24.99. SanDisk’s Web site had not been updated with information about the new cards as Macworld posted this article. http://www.macworld.com/news/2006/09/26/sandisk/index.php

.NET Framework 3.5

yes , as u see ".NET Framework 3.5" . Jason Zander, general manager of the .NET Framework team at Microsoft, discussed the version of the framework that will follow version 3.0. Tentatively titled "version 3.5", this version will include a new compiler that will support new features such as Language Integrated Query , as well as new language features in C# and VB.NET . .NET Framework 3.5 will be included in the Visual Studio "Orcas" release. Here’s some information on what each version includes: · FX 2.0: Includes CLR 2.0—generics, etc. Shipped with VS 2005; not much to say here. · FX 3.0 = FX 2.0 + WPF (Avalon), WCF (Indigo), WF (Workflow). In other words, FX 3.0 is a set of assemblies that has been added to FX 2.0; it only includes service pack-level fixes to existing (FX 2.0) assemblies or the existing languages (VB 8.0). FX 3.0 is installed by default on Windows Vista (and is therefore bound to the Vista RTM date), and available for download on down-...

Tests & Quizzes in English

Really, very good site in Tests & Quizzes for English language to determine ur level in English . In this link u will found a lot of tests partitioned to many part as this How good is your English ? Get a professional review of your English skills in English 30 minute academic test. Start test *********** How good is your movie English? Take this 5-minute quiz to test your movie English knowledge! Start test ********** How good is your movie English? Take this 5-minute quiz to test your movie English knowledge! ********** Test your English cocktail hour etiquette! Find out if you would sound cool or clueless at an English-speaking cocktail. ********** How good is your Office English? Take this 5-minute quiz to see how you would do in an English-speaking office. ********** Could you travel in English? How would you handle traveling in English? and alot of tests . I will go now to let u explore it .

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مش علطول الخير جزاءه خير

حلم رعب اكيد الكلام ده مش صح بس انا حثبتلك هنا ان الكلام ده ممكن احيانا يكون صح ..! لو كنت في نادي كبير و معروف و بتلعب فيه مع اصحابك او كنت بتتمشي فيه او أي حاجه كده المهم انت كنت في النادي و لقيت شنطه سيمسونايت (زي بتاعه اللاب توب – فخمه -) علي كنبه في النادي . حتعمل ايه؟!!!! يا تري حتخدها و تهرب بييها ؟ ولا حتفتحها و تدور علي رقم تيليفون صاحبها و تقله النص بالنص ؟ ولا حتوديها الامانات و ملكش دخل ؟ ولا ايه بالظبط ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ اعتقد ان الطبيعي من شخص عادي .. انه يذهب بالشنطه الي الامانات و بكده يكون عمل الي عليه . مش صح ....انا دلوقت حقنعك ان الكلام ده مش صح ....معلش انا كنت زيك في الاول.... شوف بقي معايا الي حصل ده و متضحكش عليا ...لما حقولك اني اتعلمت من الحلم ... المهم انا كنت نايم و بحلم اني مع اصحابي بلعب كورة في نادي الشمس و فجأء طلعت الكورة برة الملعب فروحت اجيبها . لقيت علي كنبه من الكنبات شنطه الي بقولك عليها – شكلها نظيف و قيمه – المهم قولت لاصحابي العبو انتم لغايه ما اودي الشنطه دي الامانات يعني عامل فيها عم الامين و كده. المهم اول ما روحت عند مكتب الامانات لقيت مش اقل من عشرة ...